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  • Writer's pictureOyindamola Malomo

The Art of Execution

Mastering the Art of Execution: Turning Dreams into Reality

In our pursuit of our goals and aspirations, we tend to get excited about planning and brainstorming. We begin by creating vision boards, setting ambitious goals, and dreaming big dreams, but sometimes, we forget a crucial element: execution. It's one thing to have great ideas, but they are nothing without action. The ability to execute effectively is what truly separates dreamers from achievers.

See, it’s super important to be honest with ourselves when things aren't working out. It can be tempting to lie to ourselves and others, but the lie we tell ourselves is much more disastrous. When we set big goals, we must track our progress and acknowledge when we're not making any. It's only by doing this that we can work towards actually executing those goals.

Imagine having a treasure map filled with riches, yet never embarking on the journey to find them. Similarly, ideas are like treasures waiting to be unearthed, but their potential remains untapped without execution. While setting goals and visualizing success are vital initial steps, they merely comprise a fraction of the journey. Execution encompasses the bulk of the effort, comprising 90% of the entire process. Without it, dreams remain distant fantasies. Every idea comes with an energy that can dwindle over time, so why not take action when the idea is still fresh? That fire burning in your heart is a sign.

Do what you know to do per season; it gets clearer as you go. This is called the principle of compounding. 

“If you care enough for a result, you will most certainly attain it” - William James


How Do You Master the Art of Execution?

  • Get a PhD in YOU: It is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of your personal strengths, weaknesses, habits, and character traits. It’s okay to conduct a thorough self-assessment that involves taking an honest and critical look at yourself. Start by analyzing your skillset to identify areas of proficiency and expertise. Then, examine your weaknesses and consider how they might impact your ability to achieve your goals. It is essential to recognize the excuses you make for yourself and the distractions that hinder productivity, such as social media, procrastination, or lack of focus. 

Once you have gained this self-awareness, you can tailor your approach to maximize efficiency and overcome any obstacles that come your way. This might involve developing a plan that plays to your strengths, outsourcing tasks that you struggle with, or seeking out additional training or resources to help you improve. Furthermore, this process of self-discovery can help you identify areas for personal growth and development, providing you with a platform to build upon your strengths and overcome your weaknesses.

  • Loyalty to Your Dreams: The manner in which you approach execution reflects your commitment to your dreams. Half-hearted efforts yield mediocre results, while wholehearted dedication breeds excellence. Treat every task as a reflection of your overarching aspirations. By infusing each action with passion and diligence, you pave the way for success in all endeavors.

  • Just Do It: Execution boils down to one simple mantra: Just Do It. Action breeds progress, while hesitation leads to stagnation. Embrace the inevitability of mistakes and failures, for they serve as stepping stones towards growth; it’s okay to fail forward. By daring to act, you unlock a realm of possibilities and unveil the untapped potential within you.

Remember, the world is waiting for the realization of your dreams, and it all begins with the art of execution.

By focusing on execution and taking action, we can turn our dreams into reality. It's not enough to have ideas; we must also have the courage to act on them. Achieving our goals requires effort and perseverance, but the rewards are worth it.

You are the architect of your destiny, and every decision - or lack thereof - shapes your reality. Take ownership of your actions, for they dictate the trajectory of your journey.

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2 comentários

Aduragbemi Oluwadare
Aduragbemi Oluwadare
12 de mai.

Inspiring write up. Keep the good job

14 de mai.
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Thank you!

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