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  • Writer's pictureOyindamola Malomo


Is the Rise of Soft Living Affecting Our Resilience and Mental Toughness?

Firstly, know that I'm that girl who loves to have fun. My friends nickname me "Minister of Enjoyment" because I'm always up for a good time. Hope that puts a smile on your face! HAHA!

It was the year 2014, and I had the pleasure of spending some quality time with my aunt, a woman who seemed to have everything together and succeeding. As we sat down and caught up, she began to share with me how hectic and demanding her schedule had been, and how she had been feeling drained both physically and mentally. I couldn't help but offer words of encouragement, telling her that she would soon find a way to break free from the grind.

But her response was not what I was expecting. She looked at me with a sense of calm and wisdom in her eyes, and said, "There's always work to be done as long as you have life in you." Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. It was a reminder that no matter how much we try to escape the responsibilities and demands of life, there will always be something that needs to be done. Her words made me realize that instead of trying to run away from our duties, we should learn to embrace them and face them head-on.

Now don’t get me wrong, I cherish the finer things in life and relish every moment of joy it brings; I believe that it's important to take a step back and understand why living a life of comfort and ease may not always bring us the satisfaction we crave. It's true that the moments we remember the most are often those that required us to roll up our sleeves and get to work - the times when we pushed ourselves out of our comfort zones and faced our fears head-on.

The truth is, we need to experience the less glamorous side of life in order to truly appreciate the good things. Without putting in the work, we wouldn't be able to fully appreciate the moments of joy that come our way. The hard work that we put in and the sacrifices that we make are what give value and meaning to our achievements. If you didn’t come from a wealthy family, a wealthy family can come from you.


Dear soft life gang - I have some advice for you:

  • Work Smart, Work Hard: Sure, we've all heard the age-old advice to "work smart, not hard." And yes, working smarter is crucial. But here's the kicker: sometimes, you've got to roll up your sleeves and put in the elbow grease. Building something truly remarkable, something that'll outlast you, requires more than just smarts—it requires sweat, dedication, and a willingness to WORK HARD.   

  • Obsessed with Greatness: Ever find yourself daydreaming about reaching your full potential? Yeah, me too. And here's the thing: greatness doesn't come knocking on your door while you're lounging on the couch with a bag of chips. Nope, it demands your full attention, your unwavering commitment, and yes, a fair amount of hard work. So, if you're serious about leaving your mark on the world, get ready to roll up your sleeves and dive in headfirst.  

  • Balancing Act: Now, I'm not saying you should burn yourself out chasing your dreams. Far from it! Learning to strike a balance between pushing yourself and taking care of your well-being is key. It's about stewarding comfort with wisdom and grace, knowing when to push forward and when to hit the pause button. Trust me, finding that sweet spot is a game-changer.   

  • The Process Is Real: Ah, the dreaded process. It's messy, it's chaotic, and it's absolutely essential. Yet, so many folks shy away from it, preferring the allure of quick fixes and overnight success. But here's the truth: real growth, real success, they all come from embracing the journey, bumps and all. So, don't be afraid to get your hands dirty and dive into the messy, beautiful process of becoming the best version of yourself.   

  • Celebrating Wins: Okay, let's switch gears for a sec and talk about something more fun: celebrating your wins! Whether it's landing that dream job, hitting a personal milestone, or simply making it through a tough day, every victory deserves to be celebrated. So go ahead, treat yourself to that fancy dinner, pop open that bottle of your favourite wine, and bask in the glow of your accomplishments. You've earned it!   

  • Aiming Higher: Last but certainly not least, never lose sight of the bigger picture. Setbacks will happen, challenges will arise, but that's no reason to throw in the towel. Keep aiming higher, keep pushing boundaries, and never settle for anything less than extraordinary. Because at the end of the day, it's not about the destination—it's about the journey, the growth, and the person you become along the way.  

So there you have it, my fellow adventurers: a friendly reminder that the soft life might be a tad overrated. Embrace the grind, cherish the journey, and never stop reaching for the stars. After all, there's always work to be done as long as there's life in you.

Here's to living life to the fullest, one deliberate dedication at a time!

With warmth, encouragement, and a sprinkle of wisdom,

Your Fellow Minister of Enjoyment Extraordinaire

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