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  • Writer's pictureOyindamola Malomo

The Power of Showing Up!

Mastering the Art of Progress

"Show up" may seem like two simple words, but they possess a profound meaning that can help us unlock excellence and transcend mediocrity in our lives. These words hold the key to achieving greatness and can make all the difference between mediocrity and excellence. 

We all have days when the warmth of our bed entices us, and the mere thought of facing our tasks feels overwhelming. However, we cannot expect to see different results if we keep repeating the same actions every day. We need to step out of our comfort zone and take action to achieve our goals. 

Embracing baby steps can yield monumental results. The secret to achieving our goals lies not in spreading our energy thinly across all tasks, but in directing our highest energy towards what yields the greatest results. Energy flows where attention goes.

You can’t expect to fuel every aspect of your life, business, or career with the same level of energy indefinitely. Anyone can tire out, and burnout is inevitable when you do that.

Sometimes, the idea of showing up can be daunting. We assume that it requires grand gestures, public declarations, and a lot of attention. However, that's not always the case. Showing up can be as simple as committing to personal growth and establishing daily habits to nurture it. This may involve learning new skills, reading books, attending workshops, or simply taking the time to reflect on your behavior and mindset.

Showing up can also mean being present for pivotal moments in your life, like a major launch or a crucial meeting. 

However, the key to success is not just about showing up once or twice. It's about consistent progress, celebrating private victories, and making steady improvements over time. Growth doesn't always need a spotlight or an audience. It's about consistent effort and progress, whether you are committing to personal growth or tackling major projects. Your private victories are just as important as your public ones, and they should be celebrated accordingly.

So when I say show up, it's relative to you and your becoming. It's about consistently making progress, celebrating your achievements, and investing in your personal growth. By doing so, you are setting yourself up for success. 


Here are some practical tips to help you master the art of showing up:

1. Learn the Art of Execution: Ideas are mere wisps without execution. Your actions define you more than your thoughts. Stay faithful to your dreams. Dedicate yourself to doing one thing daily that propels you forward. Remember, talent alone is insufficient; cultivate strong work ethics.

2. Embrace the Gift of "No": "No" is a complete sentence. You can’t say yes to everything and expect to show up fully for your dreams. It’s okay to decline plans, visions, or opportunities that don’t align with your path. Saying no doesn’t always imply rejecting something bad; it often means preserving your energy for what truly matters.

3. Don’t Fear Solitude: In a world that shies away from solitude, remember that greatness often stems from moments of quiet introspection. You don’t always have to be on the move. Be willing to trade temporary fame for lasting significance. True clarity often emerges from silence amidst the noise. Blueprints come from quietness.

Showing up isn’t just about making appearances; it’s about consistent effort, deliberate action, and unwavering commitment to your growth journey. It’s about recognizing that progress is a culmination of small steps taken consistently.

So, the next time you feel the weight of inertia pulling you down, remember the power of those two simple words: show up. Show up for yourself, your dreams, and your aspirations. And watch as your life transforms, one intentional step at a time.

In essence, showing up every day is crucial to unlocking excellence and achieving success. It involves committing ourselves to take action, even when we don't feel like it. It means pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone, taking risks, and challenging ourselves to do better. 

Therefore, we need to remember that showing up is not just about physically being present but also about being present mentally and emotionally. It is about being fully engaged and committed to our goals, even when the going gets tough. When we show up every day, we create a positive habit that helps us to achieve our goals and reach our full potential.

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