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  • Writer's pictureOyindamola Malomo


Mastering Self-Leadership: Transforming Potential into Success Through Habit Cultivation

Many people believe that forming and maintaining good habits can be a challenging task. And I agree. Personally, I try to exercise more and make healthier choices every quarter; it’s ALWAYS in my set goals. However, I often find myself struggling to stick to these goals. Then I came to realize that simply desiring to have a healthy habit is not enough. To ensure I form and maintain these habits, I need to implement structures and systems that will support me in achieving my goals.

Here's a little secret that has worked wonders for me - whenever I develop a new positive habit, I take note of the things that helped me form it. For example, if I started waking up early every morning, I would note down what made it possible for me to do so. Maybe it was setting an alarm, laying out my clothes the night before, or going to bed earlier.

Once I have identified what worked for me in forming that particular habit, I apply the same techniques to other areas where I may be struggling. This way, I don't have to rely on luck or chance to develop new positive habits. Instead, I create intentional systems that help me achieve my goals. 

By doing this, I have become more systematic in my approach to forming new habits. I no longer rely on pure willpower or motivation but rather on systems that make it easier for me to follow through with my intentions. I highly recommend this approach to anyone who is looking to form healthier and more positive habits.

“The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled toward some great good.” — Brian Tracy

You possess an incredible potential within yourself, a potential that knows no limits. However, to unlock this potential, you must be mindful of your daily habits. Your habits are the key determinant of whether or not you will be able to fulfill your true potential. You are more than just a person who settles for a mediocre life. You are capable of much more. But if you allow yourself to be weighed down by your bad habits, you will be held back from realizing your full potential.

You must understand that living a life of purpose requires you to let go of your bad habits. You cannot afford to hold onto them if you want to create a life worth living. Even though these habits might feel comfortable, they will never serve you in the long run. You must be willing to step out of your comfort zone and embrace new, healthier habits that will enable you to unlock your full potential.


To develop good habits, you must answer these questions:

  • Who do I truly want to become? This is one of the most profound and life-changing questions that only you can answer. It's essential to take some time to reflect on this question and explore your innermost desires and passions. This will help you build good habits that will support your journey towards your goals. 

You may have been yearning to step into a particular room for a long time, but have you stopped to think about why you want to be there? Your "why" propels you forward. What does it mean to you? Answering these questions can help you create a clear vision of who you want to become, what you want to achieve, and how you can make a commitment to building the habits that move you toward that goal.

  • What will it cost me? When making any decision, it's important to consider the costs involved and take the time to count the price you may have to pay, assess the commitments you may have to make, as well as the people you may need to connect with or leave behind. It's important to understand that any decision you make will require some sacrifice, and counting the costs will help you identify the specific habits you will need to cultivate to succeed.

  • Are my willing to pay the price? It's important to take a moment to reflect on your level of commitment. This means giving it your all, no matter the obstacles that come your way. It means being willing to submit to the discomfort and challenges that come with building new habits. Take a deep breath, and ask yourself if you are ready to dig deep and persevere through the hard work and discomfort that comes with striving for the goal you desire to achieve.

  • When do I want to start paying the price? Have you ever wondered when is the perfect time to start building good habits? Timing is everything when it comes to making progress and reaching your goals. Ideally, the best time to start building good habits was yesterday. But if you missed that window, don't worry; today is the next best time to start. The truth is, tomorrow is not promised, so it's important to take action now and not wait for a perfect time that may never come. 

It's impossible to lead yourself effectively if you keep sticking to bad habits. Think about where you'll end up if you continue on the same path. Is that where you want to be? Keep in mind that there's always room for improvement. Don't settle for mediocrity when you can aim for greatness. 

You have to make choices that will impact your life in the long run. So, why wait until everything falls apart before making the right decisions and forming good habits? Take care of your soul and become your biggest supporter. 

Make a conscious decision to leave a positive mark on the world. Invest in your relationship with yourself and work on personal growth. Remember that what you do will reflect how much you love yourself.

If you find yourself feeling stuck and not making progress, it might be because you're waiting for the perfect time to start. Unfortunately, life doesn't work that way. Don't be the one who hinders your own progress and misses out on the chance to become the best version of yourself. Remember, one of the greatest tragedies in life is knowing you can become more but not taking action to make it happen. So, seize the moment and start building those good habits today!

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