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  • Writer's pictureOyindamola Malomo

Purpose is Becoming

Updated: 3 days ago

Your Journey to Transformation

It’s easy to feel lost when it comes to finding purpose. The idea of “purpose” can feel overwhelming, leading to analysis paralysis where you end up doing nothing at all. However, the truth is that purpose is not a destination; it’s a journey of becoming. 

It’s about evolution, growth, and the sacrifices you make along the way. 

While it’s essential to dream and have a vision, dreams without action are just fantasies. Many of us get so caught up in searching for a grand purpose that we neglect the importance of taking small steps toward any opportunity that presents itself. 

The key is to start where you are. Take any task that comes your way and commit to doing it well. This doesn’t mean you should settle for mediocrity; rather, it’s about mastering what’s in front of you until clarity emerges. Each experience builds upon the last, gradually revealing a clearer path to your ultimate purpose.

Growth often occurs outside of your comfort zone. If you want to transform your life and align with your purpose, be willing to step into discomfort. This might mean taking risks, facing fears, or simply being open to experiences that challenge you. Brilliance is not static; it expands when you stretch yourself beyond familiar boundaries.

Consider this: the things you once thought were impossible can become attainable when you shift your mindset. Open your mind to possibilities that seem out of reach, and you’ll often find that the barriers you perceive are merely illusions.

It’s also important to never underestimate the power of community in your journey of becoming. Surrounding yourself with supportive, like-minded individuals can profoundly impact your progress. A community provides not just encouragement but also wisdom that can be transferred across various aspects of life. 

The synergy created by sharing experiences and insights within a community can ignite new possibilities. It’s in these spaces that ideas flourish and collaborations form, allowing you to tap into your collective genius.

Here are some helpful and simple action points you can consider on your journey:


Action Point #1: Take Small Steps

Identify one task or opportunity in your life that you can approach with renewed vigor. It could be a project at work, a hobby you’ve neglected, or even volunteering for a cause you care about. Dedicate yourself to this task and aim for excellence. You might be surprised at how these small actions can lead to significant breakthroughs in your understanding of your purpose.

Action Point #2: Challenge Your Limits

Identify an area in your life where you feel stuck or hesitant. What’s one bold step you can take that pushes you out of your comfort zone? Perhaps it’s starting a new project, reaching out to someone you admire, or embracing a new skill. Embrace the discomfort; it’s a sign of growth and progress.

Action Point #3: Leverage Your Community

Make a conscious effort to articulate your dreams and aspirations. Join a group or community that resonates with your goals. This could be a local meet-up, an online forum, or a mentorship program. Engaging with others who share your vision can spark new ideas, motivate you to take action, and provide the accountability needed to keep moving forward.

As you embark on this journey of becoming, remember that purpose is not a single moment of revelation but a continuous process of growth and transformation. Embrace your vision, take action, challenge your limits, and engage with your community. 

In this journey, you will become the person you need to be to fulfill your purpose. Don’t shy away from sacrifices; they are the stepping stones to greatness. By leaning into your superpowers and harnessing the wisdom around you, you can create a life filled with miracles and meaning.

Remember: if you can dream it, it’s possible! But it begins with you—taking that first step, engaging with others, and embracing the journey of becoming. Together, we can turn the impossible into the possible. So, what are you waiting for? Start today!

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